08 Sep 22
Event Time
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2 hours
Online Event
Event type
Team coaching/effectiveness
Free Event

Build Better Teams Even in Challenging Times

Are you a leader of teams or supporting such leaders? With everchanging ways of working (and living), and evolving employees’ expectations, there has never been a more challenging time for leaders of teams. You CAN build better teams, even during the most volatile times. Understanding the foundation for teams’ success and having a flexible evaluation process to rely on, are elements you need to identify actions that build happy and high-performing teams. In this interactive workshop, you will learn about the Better Teams Model and begin to apply it to teams and leaders you support.

What you’ll learn and practice in this session:
· Identify the most common challenges teams and leaders are facing today
· Learn about a framework for team success – the Better Teams Model
· Apply the Better Teams Model to a team you support
· Get resources for on-going better team building

Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
Executive coaching
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1    RD : 1
Number of events : 111
Number of languages : 10