17 Jun 22
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Diversity & Inclusion
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : see listing USD
ICF Global member Price : n/a USD
Non member Price : see listing USD

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion- Introductions to DEI, terms and definitions- setting the foundation for clarity and understanding

This program will provide clarity on terminology and words to create a foundational understanding of DEI. What does it all mean and how you can leverage the learning to speak with confidence about these very important topics.

Takeaways from the Event:

– Have clarity of the meaning of DEI key terms and concepts
– Have the foundational knowledge to develop further their own understanding of the DEI
– Be able to use terms and their meaning when speaking to others about DEI
– For coaches, develop clarity when coachees want to discuss topics related to DEI

Maximum participants: 500
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0.5    RD : 0.5
Number of events : 119
Number of languages : 12