ICF Global member Price : 0.00 USD
Non member Price : 45.00 USD
ICF Coaching Science Community of Practice – Neurodiversity Coaching: Creating Agency
Join the Coaching Science Community of Practice and Dr. Nancy Doyle on Monday, September 30, 2024, from 12 Noon – 1:30 p.m. (New York), where we will be exploring the active ingredients in a coaching program designed to create the conditions for agency with clients who come from marginalized backgrounds – in this example neurodivergent people. We will review the research of Dr Nancy Doyle, who compared group 121 and wait-list control groups to explore how coaching leads to work performance. Self-efficacy was a key mediator, but so also was metacognition.
*This session has been tentatively approved for 0.5 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units in Core Competencies and 1 CCE unit in Resource Development.
CC : 0.5 RD : 1