07 Mar 23
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Job/career change
Free Event

“Selection interview – some secrets of successful selection”

Recruiting new employees is undoubtedly the key to achieving the company’s business goals and building a positive organizational climate in the team. Choosing the most suitable candidate to join the company on one of the positions represents a great challenge for the HR and the decision-maker.

The entire process includes several steps, from defining the profile of a new employee, choosing the search path, executing the selection process and all the way to employment and onboarding the new employee.

The structured selection interview is therefore a key step in the recruitment process. It is a set of skills, including active listening, asking the right questions and observing non-verbal communication. Defining the profile of the most suitable candidate, thorough preparation for the interview and its scenario are also extremely important.

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In our session, I will reveal some of the secrets of how to assure that the selection interview gives to the interviewer enough relevant information.

I am still fascinated by the impact of selecting the right people in the right environment for the right position, which can work wonders in companies – in one direction or another.

I work as a lecturer to various groups, such as supervisory boards, executive boards and other management structures. I am the author of many professional articles, which I publish in various professional editions, as well as on my own website (www.personal.si). I am the author of the manual Hidden Power – Six Pillars of Successful Recruitment, which was published in March 2022 and will be presented to international market in 2023.
Maximum participants: 80
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 62
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 1.5
Number of events : 115
Number of languages : 11