19 Jul 22
Event Time
Your Time Zone
2 hours
Online Event
Event type
Team coaching/effectiveness
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : 500 NTD
ICF Global member Price : 700 NTD
Non member Price : 1000 NTD

Team Coaching Workshop Series: “Demystifying Teamcoaching ? With the ICF Team Coaching Competencies 團隊教練研討會系列:“揭開團隊教練的神秘面紗?擁有 ICF 團隊教練能力!”


1. Objective: At the end of this session the participant’s will know the new competencies for Team Coaches and will have reflected on how these build on the core competencies.


Introduce the ICF team competencies
How the Team Coach Competencies add to the Core Competencies
Values, history and beliefs that sit behind the new team competencies

2. Exercises/interactions:
-one on the various modalities (coaching versus facilitation versus training versus…)
-one on contracting, which can be significantly different from individual coaching
-one on teamdynamics or presence, still TBC

3. CC’s covered:
-all of them, as we will touch eventually all team coaching competencies, in many possible ways
-with particular attention for contracting and presence and active listing

Event schedule or other information/comments
Team Coaching Workshop Series: "Demystifying Teamcoaching ? With the ICF Team Coaching Competencies (*This event will have Chinese translation)
團隊教練研討會系列:“揭開團隊教練的神秘面紗?擁有 ICF 團隊教練能力!”
~ 分享嘉賓:Karl Van Hoey教練 (MCC)
報名連結: https://www.accupass.com/event/2207040444564945323880

*此場座談"將有中文即時翻譯" 並可獲得2 CCEU (2 CC) 核心能力學分。報名完成後,秘書處將在活動前發出上線連結與密碼,敬請留意信箱。
Maximum participants: 500
Type of coaching:
Team coaching
Remaining: 499
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 2    RD : 0
Number of events : 113
Number of languages : 11