21 Jun 22
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
$2,750 - ICF Members: Use ICFPRO15 code to get 15% off USD

Platform Coaches Accelerator

Expand Your Business Presence, Grow Your Coaching Practice, and Increase Your Client Impact as a Coaching Platform Partner.

Learn how to market your coaching services and secure long-term coaching contracts with coaching platform companies that support corporate customers and corporate-sponsored coaching clients.

The global coaching industry is going through rapid change. The present market climate offers a unique opportunity for professional coaches of all niches to bring their services in front of millions of new corporate-sponsored coaching clients across the globe. The new realities of an ecosystem-based platform economy are now changing the ways coaches compete, collaborate, and grow their coaching practice.

Join our seven-week program to learn how to effectively market your coaching services and secure long-term coaching contracts with coaching platform companies that support corporate-sponsored members and private clients.

Event schedule or other information/comments
What Topics Will Be Covered?

Week 1: Competing, Collaborating, and Growing Your Visibility and Coaching Practice in The Age of Ecosystems, Digital Transformation & Platform Economy.
Week 2: Upside and Downside of Platform Coaching. Global Coaching Industry Market Dynamics, and Risks of Missing Out.
Week 3: Requirements and Steps to Becoming a Highly Impactful In-Demand Platform Coach.
Week 4: Developing a Strong Coach Application Package.
Week 5: Interview and Mock-Up Coaching Session.
Week 6: Making Your Profile Stand Out for Your Ideal Members.
Week 7: Updating and Optimizing Your Coaching Niche Based on Your Members’ Feedback.

Bonus 1: Beyond Testimonials: How to Harness the Power of Platform for Evidence-Based Coaching Impact, and Outcomes.
Bonus 2: How to Develop Member-Inspired New Product or Service Ideas.
Bonus 3: How to Network and Collaborate with Other Platform Coaches.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
HOURS by type:   
CC :    RD :

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