15 May 24
Event Time
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1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Probono coaching
Life coaching
あなたとコーチの1on1~マインドフルコーチング®体験 by 関口詩乃 #2 You and your coach 1on1-Mindful Coaching® Experience by Shino Sekiguchi #2
This is an individual session for you who want to experience coaching for the first time. I offer you Mindfulness-based coaching along with the process your needs.
Event schedule or other information/comments
同じ趣旨の個人向け体験セッションを、今回のICWイベントで複数設定しています。I schedule several individual sessions for the same experience during this ICW event.
Maximum participants: 1
Type of coaching:
Life coaching
Life coaching
Remaining: 0
Number of events : 1
Number of languages : 1