24 May 22
Event Time
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1 hour 15 min
Online Event
Event type
Coaching in organisations
Free Event

Coaching – the secret code to Uncommon Leadership

Uncommon leadership focuses on achieving success by helping others grow, about taking people along and helping them become a better version of themselves. Uncommon leaders understand that it’s not just about building an empire, or making millions in revenue – they understand also about the journey and the teams they build along the way. These leaders relentlessly focus on elevating others as they elevate themselves, and their organisations.
What makes someone an Uncommon Leader? How can someone make that journey from being a good leader to an extraordinary one?
Coaching is the key or that code that unlocks Uncommon Leadership. I define Coaching as the act of maximizing another’s performance and potential for those that you lead.
In this session, I I’ve tried to crystallize the why of Coaching – why coaching the most crucial ingredient in the leadership mix, and how the best in the business get it right by focusing on their people.

Event schedule or other information/comments
What could our participants learn and take away?
• What makes someone an Uncommon or Extraordinary Leader?
• How can “we” coach the coaches
• Thinking of Coaching a life skill
• the four cornerstones framework
Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
Executive coaching
Remaining: 49
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0.25    RD : 1
Number of events : 121
Number of languages : 14