24 Aug 22
- 12 Oct 22
Event Time
Your Time Zone
Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
$2,500 - Payment is made via credit card at time of purchase. There is an option for one or three payments. USD

Influencing With Clarity & Momentum (COSMO)

This course is designed to help you think, and process, troubleshoot, and plan—with the goal of empowering human growth and achievement. We’ll train you to do this through our proprietary COSMO Framework that aligns with ICF Core Competencies. As a participant, you’ll grow your ability to lead yourself and coach clients and team members to honor relationships while advancing toward results that matter, faster.

COSMO is simple enough to use at home, but expansive enough to zero in on the complexities of a large organization. We all see COSMO at work in our lives (though we may not know it) and use it every day, since its concepts follow natural patterns of human development. In COSMO, we’ve taken elements of human achievement and wisdom that already exist in life and codified them in a way that helps our brains grab hold and apply them within the context of any industry or culture in the world.

Event schedule or other information/comments
- 8 weeks - 12 hours of online, practical, ready-to-apply instruction
- Alignment with ICF core coaching competencies and neuroscience applications
- 220+ page training manual to teach the 5 COSMO priorities and applications of them
- Dynamic interaction with colleagues around real-time application, insight, and learning
- Triad breakouts to practice COSMO concepts
- Course Facilitated through Adult-Learning Best Practices
- Generous opportunity for in-class Q & A
- 9 COSMO illustrations to share with individuals and teams you lead or coach
- Over 40 COSMO exercise / worksheets to utilize with individuals and teams
- COSMO Progress Journal for Tracking Personal and Professional Applications
- Upon successful completion, opportunity to further your COSMO competency and become a COSMO Certified Leadership Course
- Future: We are building an Affiliate Membership Platform to provide passive-income opportunities through profit sharing with COSMO-centric self-paced courses.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 20    RD : 20
Number of events : 83
Number of languages : 3