05 Aug 22
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Coaching demo
Career coaching
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : ICF Charlotte Member- Free Dollars
ICF Global member Price : Guest $10 Dollars
Non member Price : Guest $10 Dollars

Western Carolinas Monthly Program: Team Coaching Competencies

Team Coaching is an experience that allows a team to work towards sustainable results and ongoing development. It is becoming an increasingly important intervention in corporate environments as high team performance requires aligning toward goals, remaining innovative, and adapting quickly to internal and external changes.  As a result, the demand for team coaching is growing rapidly.  In fact, team coaching is one of the fastest growing disciplines in today’s coaching profession. 

To guide the growing discipline of team coaching, ICF Credentials and Standards has developed the ICF Team Coaching Competencies model. The model provides a clear, concise definition for Team Coaching and is designed to build upon and integrate with the ICF Core Competencies in team coaching contexts.  To support our coaching community in understanding and evaluating opportunities for team coaching, WCC Chapter Leader Rebekah Lowe will facilitate a group learning experience focused on integrating the ICF C

Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 1.5
Number of events : 121
Number of languages : 14