16 Nov 22
Event Time
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1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Free Event

Fireside Chat with MCC coaches (Karen White and Glenn Haig)

Storytelling has a significant and sentimental placement in the rich history of African cultures, traditions, laws and societal customs. As lived experiences are shared, it forms the bedrock for mentoring, teaching, coaching, and facilitating. This age old practice has demonstrated its credibility in knowledge transfer, strengthened community bonds and allowed for the flow of wisdom to improve generational capability.
The ICFSA chapter is hosting 2 dynamic coaches who will share their stories relating to the core competency of “Facilitates client growth”.

Earn 1 CCE unit

Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 66
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1    RD : 0
Number of events : 121
Number of languages : 14