10 Jan 23
Event Time
Your Time Zone
2 hours
Online Event
Event type
Personal growth
Free Event

Physicall and Mental Wellness for Coaches

As coaches, we sit a lot, which is not optimal for our posture and health.
And focusing on our clients requires great mental fitness!

On this ICF Online Event, Matej talks about the importance of mental and physical wellness for Coaches and training our muscles to stay fit forever 😉

You will learn in an experiential way which muscles need the most strength and mobility to prevent from pains and aches.
You will learn how nutrition, gut health and recovery are crucial for our mental well-being.

Part #1
45 min talk on gut health, nutrition planning, supplements, recovery, 5 domains of health, Q&A

Part #2
20 min talk on Physical routines
40 min workout for Strength, Endurance and Mobility

This is an Online Event that will take 2 hours of your time!
Please dress comfortably, in sports clothes and have a yoga mat and a water bottle 🙂 ready.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Interactive event.

Please dress comfortably, in sports clothes and have a yoga mat and a water bottle 🙂 ready.
Maximum participants: 80
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 52
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 2
Number of events : 155
Number of languages : 15