12 Sep 23
- 14 Sep 23
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Multiple Day Event
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Pricing Information
$450 USD

Coaching Workplace Anxiety – 6 CCEs in Core Competencies

Coaching Workplace Anxiety – 6 CCEs in Core Competencies

$450 Group Webinar, $595 on Demand

2 group webinars for 2023
February 21-23, 2023, 7-9 PM EST
September 12-14, 2023, 12-2 PM EST

In the workplace, which is increasingly 24/7 access due to social media and technology, anxiety is on the rise. Because of connectivity, it can be harder to escape these pressures without a clear-cut path being set.

As coaches we work with a wide variety of people in a vast realm of work place circumstances. Help your clients with finding ways to disconnect and recharge so they can better arm themselves against workplace anxiety is a great skillset to have in your coaching toolbox.

Identifying the triggers of anxiety and finding a stopper together that they can call upon when needed takes time, repetition and commitment. Breaking any habit can be difficult for a client but setting a roadmap for success and accountability will lead to coaching success.

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Coaching Workplace Anxiety - 6 CCEs in Core Competencies

$450 Group Webinar, $595 on Demand

2 group webinars for 2023
February 21-23, 2023, 7-9 PM EST
September 12-14, 2023, 12-2 PM EST

In the workplace, which is increasingly 24/7 access due to social media and technology, anxiety is on the rise. Because of connectivity, it can be harder to escape these pressures without a clear-cut path being set.

As coaches we work with a wide variety of people in a vast realm of work place circumstances. Help your clients with finding ways to disconnect and recharge so they can better arm themselves against workplace anxiety is a great skillset to have in your coaching toolbox.

Identifying the triggers of anxiety and finding a stopper together that they can call upon when needed takes time, repetition and commitment. Breaking any habit can be difficult for a client but setting a roadmap for success and accountability will lead to coaching success.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 6    RD : 0
Number of events : 72
Number of languages : 2