24 Jan 23
Event Time
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Coaching Research
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : 15 Euro
ICF Global member Price : 20 Euro
Non member Price : 25 Euro

Executive Presence – what is that really about?!

The second most important leadership skill in order to be promoted to the top is executive presence, according to a recent survey from Gartner. A lot of Coaching assignments start out with the objective of improving executive presence. So, what exactly is executive presence, and what do executives want to be coached on when they come into these assignments? What is it anyway, and how on earth do you convey it in the digital environment? This is an interesting one, because what exactly great executive presence looks like depends on a lot of different factors, and lies in the eyes of the beholder, in short it is hard to define. Is it gravitas? Is it developing follower-ship?

Maximum participants: 50
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 0

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