23 Feb 23
- 17 Mar 23
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
1695 Early Bird EURO

3 Brains – Head, Heart, and Gut – Coaching Certification Training

The 3 Brains -Head, Heart, and Gut- Coaching Training is the methodology for:
Achieve long lasting change/development
Unpack complex unspoken thoughts, feelings and behaviors
Overcome stress, anxiety and burnout
Release the Decision Paralysis

Why is that?
Biologically our 3 Brains are the core of all our decisions
Our Gut is about taking care of ourselves
Our Heart is about bonding and values
Our Head is focused on the right prediction
What will be the result when we only follow our most dominant brain?
We stay reflexively loyal to an old behavior or belief even if that that could cause us failure!

What will you master?
Unique analyzing techniques for what is keeping your client stuck and what will support the solution
3 Brains language to discover the hidden needs and real intentions
Unique techniques to enable long-lasting change, release limiting beliefs and trauma
The science behind the 3 Brains
Exercises to master the techniques and experience Transformational Self Development

Event schedule or other information/comments
A seasoned coach and medical doctor wrote to me this after he finished the 3 Brains Coach Training: 

I have completed countless courses including leadership and NLP training, and yet the 3 Brains training conducted by Christoffel really is that "missing link"
All humans instinctively know of the different feelings and thoughts we have, and yet Christoffel gives WHY and HOW information that is useful.
Your own life will benefit from doing this training, as will countless other lives in the people you associate with and coach
Dr. Ian Hainsworth

Besides 4-days of unique, groundbreaking training, you will receive:
Free 12-month subscription to the monthly 3 Brains Coach Supervision Group (worth € 1,320)
The unique 115 pages 3 Brains Coach Certification Manual (worth €150)
Analysis of your 3 Brains preference (worth €100)
3 Brains Coach Certificate and use of the certification logo (priceless)
Join the closed 3 Brains Coach LinkedIn Group
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 28    RD : 12
Number of events : 75
Number of languages : 3