13 Feb 23
- 28 Apr 23
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Multiple Day Event
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$1095.00 - Payment Plans are Available! USD

Positive Psychology Coaching Fundamentals

This course covers the essential evidence-based skills and concepts of Positive Psychology Coaching as well as the CHANGE model for structuring successful coaching engagements. The course includes lectures, coaching demonstrations and discussions, and peer-coaching sessions. This program connects a wealth of positive psychology research to the practical skills students can use to help clients, colleagues, and others successfully make positive changes in their lives, work, health, and relationships.

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The course includes a weekly prerecorded lesson with Lynda Wallace, where you are introduced to key concepts of using positive psychology in coaching sessions. Each lecture is then followed by a live webinar with rotating faculty. This is where you get to see the key concepts in action, with demonstrations and a chance to practice the skills yourself. These sessions are recorded for those unable to join live. After the first week, peer-coaching pairs are formed to give students the opportunity to practice the skills they are learning.

Weekly sessions cover the following topics:

Coaching Session Fundamentals: Structuring sessions, judging when coaching is appropriate, and getting engagements off to a strong start.

Essential Techniques of Positive Psychology Coaching: Understanding, experiencing, and practicing the techniques at the heart of effective coaching.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 39    RD : 0
Number of events : 72
Number of languages : 2