17 May 23
Event Time
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1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Diversity & Inclusion
Free Event

Coaching with Cultural Intelligence

In today’s globalised world, people don’t only travel across the globe for business, but also work online with teams from different cultures. It is therefore no surprise that cultural intelligence (CQ) is one of the most crucial skills to be successful in the workforce of the future.

During this webinar, Liesbeth Huysmans (ACC) will talk about the major challenges expats and global leaders face when relocating or when leading culturally diverse teams, and how we, as coaches, can support them in authentically adapting their leadership and communication styles.

Event schedule or other information/comments
If you are not an ICF member, the fee for participating to this event is 15 USD payable through the following channels:
1- Paypal to ghadayared@hotmail.com
2- OMT or Western Union to Mr. Naji Shelala (phone number: +961 3 697432)
Maximum participants: 150
Type of coaching:
Life coaching
Remaining: 0
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0.75    RD : 0.25
Number of events : 191
Number of languages : 14