09 May 23
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2 hours
Online Event
Event type
Professional development

PR for Coaches

I understand how frustrating it can be to pour your heart and soul into your coaching business and not see the results you desire.
That’s why I created a Public Relations – PR for Coaches course, designed to help you understand the fundamental principles of PR and how they can be applied to your coaching practice.
When I started my coaching business I was a bit lost as to how I would start to build up clients and the hardest part was how uncomfortable it felt to do sales and marketing. What changed for me was remembering that I have 20 years of experience in PR. It is all about relationships.

I teach PR skills in a 2 day course that can help you to:
🌟 Understand yourself , your brand and your business
🌟 Explore and focus on relationships and potential clients
🌟 Create your own narrative that speaks to your clients
🌟 Reach them in ways that are authentic and impactful

In this two hour session is a compact version which gets you going!

Event schedule or other information/comments
Sign up for the 2 day course here https://www.humanlyconsulting.com/events/2023/6/2/prforcoaches
Maximum participants: 60
Type of coaching:
Business coaching
Remaining: 0

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Number of events : 937
Number of languages : 23