06 Apr 23
- 07 Apr 23
Event Time
Your Time Zone
5 hours 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Pricing Information
Self pay: $499, company pay: $629 USD USD

Embracing Complexity with Polarity Wisdom

As we all navigate complex situations, we experience tensions that are almost impossible to resolve with a problem-solving mindset. We call such tensions polarities.

How do you identify the difference between a problem and a polarity? How can integrating polarities lead to greater capacity to address complexities we face?

In this interactive program, we will introduce you to a critical tool, a lens, a way of thinking itself that will help you transform how you address day-to-day and strategic issues. You will learn how to identify polarities and understand how they work. You will learn how to use this new awareness to create action plans that allow you to address complex issues in more comprehensive and sustainable ways that can significantly advance both your work and your relationships. This learning can empower you to grow into a more integrated and mature leader, a more capable coach, and a masterful organizational leader.

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
HOURS by type:   
CC :    RD : 4.5
Number of events : 82
Number of languages : 3