15 May 23
Event Time
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Online Event
Event type
Executive coaching

Boardroom Coaching Dialogue with Tijen Genco

Come to this session to have a dialogue with a C-Suite coach Tijen Genco and have your executive coaching and leadership development questions answered. Whether you are a coach wanting to learn more about or enhance your executive coaching skills, or a leader wanting to upskill yourself, you may benefit from this one-hour discussion. Tijen has started her coaching as an internal coach. Since 2006 she has been coaching individuals and chiefs of staff across corporations, government resources, and non-profit organizations globally. Her engagements as a management consultant resulted in multi-million dollars in productivity benefits. She coaches leaders towards excellence while establishing and expressing their authentic brand and leadership style in strategic and inclusive global leadership across geographical and organizational cultures. This is a free-flowing Q&A session offering opportunities for the participants to have their questions answered.

Event schedule or other information/comments
This event is meant for the coaches to further develop and deepen their skills toward ultimate mastery.
There is a high demand for this session. Use the provided link to register for the event. If you realize you cannot attend after registering, please cancel your spot so someone else can participate.

Please be sure to register to receive the event link.

Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
Executive coaching
Remaining: 0

Other events from the same organiser

Number of events : 900
Number of languages : 22