10 May 23
Event Time
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45 min
Online Event
Event type
Free Event

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When to refer to another professional

Coaches and leaders often come across situations where the person sitting in front of them, a client or a reportee or a peer, manifests some behaviours that set their alarms on. As coaches we have the ethical obligation to refer to another professional. As leaders is our responsibility to take care of our team and be part of their safe development and growth. In this workshop we are going to explore what are the signals to pay attention to, particularly in what relates to the relevance of referring to a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist What are the visible or not so visible signals of depression, or other psychological disorders that can points us to investigate further.

Maximum participants: 500
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 451
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 0

Other events from the same organiser

16 May 24
Number of events : 1043
Number of languages : 24