16 May 23
Event Time
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45 min
Online Event
Event type
Probono coaching
Personal growth

1 to 1 Pro Bono Coaching for Midlife Women

This is 1 to 1 pro bono coaching for one person, please only register when you can COMMIT to join the session.
What can you look forward to life after the age of 50? Life after the age of 50 is like stepping into the Autumn season. I will provide a safe space for the exploration of your challenges, passions, and purpose. The coaching session is around 30 to 45 minutes. If you are new to coaching, I will explain it in the beginning. I will keep the record of your name and email for my coaching log record (it’s confidential and not shared to any third party)

Maximum participants: 1
Type of coaching:
Life coaching
Remaining: 0
Number of events : 1049
Number of languages : 24