08 Apr 24
- 13 May 24
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
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Pricing Information
$1295 USD

Fallback in Vertical Development: Leaving the Ghost Light Burning in Illumination of the Fullness of You

Throughout this 6-week, virtual course, we will turn on the ghost light within self and in so doing we will illuminate our own experiences of fallback—when despite our optimal developmental capacities, what we often refer to as our developmental center-of-gravity, we make meaning, feel, and act from a smaller, less complex, less capable form of mind. In short, when we fall back, we don’t show up our best self for a period of time.

The framework you will learn not only allows coaches to accompany others in illumination of their values, fears, and the opening up of possibilities, but also enables them to undertake this journey themselves. In addition to self-development, this intimate, small group, experiential offering simultaneously provides a nuanced understanding of how humans develop, practice in accompanying others in the process, and a framework that you can immediately implement in your work.

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What's included:

Six 2-hour, live, interactive, intimate group sessions guided by leading fallback theorist and practitioner, Valerie Livesay

Multi-modal learning assignments (videos, readings, podcasts, guided exercises) through the online course platform with tools and exercises for coming into relationship with your fallback guided by leading thinkers and practitioners in the adult and leadership development fields

One, individual coaching session with Valerie Livesay (Book up to three* additional individual coaching sessions at discounted workshop participant rates)

Upon completion, invitations to join the community of Ghost Light Alumni at quarterly, live, virtual events as we continue the practice together

Live office hours every 4-6 weeks
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 14    RD : 22
Number of events : 60
Number of languages : 2