13 Dec 22
- 15 Dec 22
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450 USD

Authentic Leadership and the Multigenerational Mindset

Year over year, decade over decade, generational trends emerge in the workplace. Labels are often assigned, and workplace assumptions made, based upon years of experience, when and where someone entered the workplace, and many other factors forcing people into identifying groups.

Nowhere is this more apparent than with Millennials. They grew up with technology created by their predecessors and peers. They use social media to communicate and multi-task like no other workplace generational group has in the past. Now, they are becoming leaders, and they demand authenticity.

But what does that term really mean? How do leaders emerge from these close-knit groups and how do they adopt a management mindset focused on bottom line profitable results, not just having the most fun at work?

Coaching corporate leaders who want to be respected and promoted while at the same time remaining authentic to themselves and working efficiently so they can have more time to pursue personal interests is a challenging precipice many coaches are facing.

Increase your own awareness and fine tune your knowledge of core competencies around the Multigenerational Mindset and Authentic Leadership with this continuing coach education course from The Elevar Group designed specifically for credentialed coaches.

Each class module builds upon the previous one and requires each participant to coach and be coached and discuss their individual experiences with current and past coaching clients and scenarios.

Session 1: Authentic Leadership and Multigenerational Mindset Overview
Session 2: Communication and the Millennial Leader
Session 3: What’s at stake? Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk

Impact your coaching toolbox in alignment with the ICF Core Competencies:
1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice
2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset
3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements
4. Cultivates Trust and Safety
5. Maintains Presence
6. Listens Actively
7. Evokes Awareness
8. Facilitates Client Growth

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 6    RD :
Number of events : 75
Number of languages : 3