29 Apr 22
- 01 May 22
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
On site event
Polo Didattico in Via degli Anziati, 17 03100 Frosinone
Event type
Pricing Information
1500 + IVA (1830) €

Emotional Skills & Competencies (ESaC)

This three-day workshop is centred on cutting edge behavioural science and will prepare you with the knowledge, understanding, skills, and application of emotional competencies. The course is designed to help you become aware of, and manage the emotions of those around you, and master your own emotions (before they get you into any trouble!),
Based on Dr Ekman’s research and world-class training methodology, you will work through the emotional timeline from trigger… to impulse… to action to understand the challenges and skills around emotional awareness and then learn powerful techniques to overcome these challenges and increase your emotional competence.
This course will develop your people reading skills and enable you to see and hear true emotions in others – A vital skill for developing and maintaining successful, and meaningful relationships.

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 13    RD : 5
Number of events : 75
Number of languages : 3