03 May 22
- 05 May 22
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
1000, 850 euro Early Bird Price before 15.04.2022 Euro

Certified Agile Coaching Fundamentals

Certified Agile Coaching Fundamentals is a 15-hours training that brings agility professionals closer to acquiring fundamental coaching skills to generate meaningful learning in people who perform roles in the territory of agility.
In this training you will learn the difference between professional coaching and consulting, you will understand what coaching conversation is and the skills to make it effective, you will learn about the design of fundamental conversations for Scrum Master, Product Owner, development team, leaders and managers of the organization where you work.
This training is eminently practical, it integrates various facilitation methodologies. You will experiment, analyze and practice individually, in pairs and in groups models and skills for the coaching conversation.
You will earn 15 hours of synchronous learning of the ACSTH Program and 15 Scrum Education Units® (SEU®), which you can use to renew your Scrum Alliance certification.

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : ACSTH
HOURS by type:   
CC : 14    RD :
Number of events : 82
Number of languages : 3