22 Feb 24
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 30 min
On site event
Qosquo Restaurant
15 Pl. d'Armes, 1136 Ville-Haute Luxembourg
Event type
Life coaching
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : 0 EUR
ICF Global member Price : 0 EUR
Non member Price : 15 EUR

A Journey to authenticity: transition from an employee to a coach and thrive as an entrepreneur

Most of us know that running a business whether in coaching or not is not always a peaceful journey and can rapidly be filled with doubts.
Where and how do I start my coaching business? Should I start a business on my own?
Philip Grother shares with us the fears that many of us face, his key learnings that helped to overcome them and explore entrepreneurship, as well as his aha moments that led him to set the stones and thrive in his journey to live in alignment with self.

Maximum participants: 30
Type of coaching:
Small business coaching
Remaining: 19
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 1.5
Number of events : 89
Number of languages : 8