20 Jan 23
Event Time
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Executive coaching
Free Event

All Things Coaching – Executive Coaching 360

The New-year special edition deep dives into the World of Executive Coaching, a well-recognized and fast-growing area of Coaching. We will take a 360-degree approach in our exploration, keeping in mind the key stakeholders in the ecosystem – client, coach, sponsor & organization – their perceptions and expectations from Executive Coaching engagements.

Join us to explore this exciting space of Executive Coaching; Let us deliberate, share and dialogue!

This session would be particularly useful to:

– Coaches (Practicing & Aspiring) looking to specialize in Executive Coaching
– Corporates who are aware of coaching but are not sure where to start
– Organizations who have existing Coaching programs for their people
– Employees who are going / have gone through a sponsored coaching engagement
– Leaders / Managers whose team-members could benefit from / are considering Executive Coaching
– Anyone who is interested in understanding Executive Coaching and how it works!

Event schedule or other information/comments
All Things Coaching is a platform for the entire Coaching ecosystem to come together, share, listen, discuss thoughts and ideas related to all things coaching. Each month has a special focus and a special guest.
We shall have an open space to meet, greet and chat up related to the special focus area. Then we listen to the special guest on their thoughts about the focus topic. This is followed by an interactive session where participants contribute their own thoughts on the topic and chat up with the special guest.
It is a highly interactive session.
Maximum participants: 500
Type of coaching:
Executive coaching
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 0

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Number of events : 111
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