ICF Global member Price : n/a USD
Non member Price : see listing USD
Business Building SIG
Coaches are continuously challenged with what to say to potential clients. They tend to make the process about themselves rather than focusing solely on being prepared, in the moment, and serving the potential client at hand. They think of getting client(s) rather than being fully present to the one client they are serving.
In this interactive workshop, Master Coach, Gretchen Hydo, will teach the art of enrollment beginning with prepping yourself, to being fully present with your client. She will answer questions from the floor, and demo what a successful enrollment call sounds like. She will break down the process into manageable steps and will focus on helping coaches slow down to speed up. Many coaches try to connect, sell and close all in one 30-minute session. Hydo will help participants create a roadmap that breaks the process down, connect, invite, serve, propose, serve in a slowed down and relaxed way.
CC : 0 RD : 1.5