23 Nov 22
Event Time
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45 min
Online Event
Event type
Job/career change
Free Event

Event slides or recording

Business Development Setting: around the table

Would you like to know how to overcome the fear of getting the first client after you get certified, what are the main challenges experienced coachs overcome, what have we done to create consistency and gain referrals, what have worked and not, what where the transformations associated to COVID, how do we handle going digital and dealing with social media, when is the right time to go for supervision and to mentoring . This is the space where you can ask for clarification for your doubts, a safe space of sharing vulnerabilities and successes. The Q&A will be run in english and we can provide support in translation. You don’t want to miss this!

Maximum participants: 500
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 413
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1    RD : 0

Other events from the same organiser

16 May 24
Number of events : 520
Number of languages : 18