27 Sep 22
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Free Event

Coaches Book Club: Discussing “The Innovator’s Way” by Peter J. Denning and Robert Dunham

To create a venue for the diverse interests and modes of learning, ICF Washington hosts a monthly book club. If you can read the book first, that will make the experience more valuable. However, you don’t have to read the book to attend the discussion. Join us and get what value you can from attending. For those of you who would like to discuss various coach and business books at a deeper level and share your learning and experiences with other coaches, this monthly forum is designed for you!

The featured book for September is: The Innovator’s Way: Essential Practices for Successful Innovation, by Peter J. Denning and Robert Dunham.

Hosted by Christine Rose, ACC, Founder at CEOAccel and CEO at Christine Rose Coaching & Consulting, LLC. Christine specializes in coaching CEOs and leadership teams of small to mid-market companies to develop effective business strategies that boost performance, leadership, decision-making, and drive business results.

Maximum participants: 25
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 0
Number of events : 117
Number of languages : 12