29 Mar 23
Event Time
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1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Professional development
Free Event

Community Connect: Welcome & Journey to Coaching

Community Connect is a place to discuss and learn about key coaching themes such as the journey to coaching, credentialing and supervision. Bringing together those already involved with coaching and those who are just starting out or simply interested to hear more. We welcome everyone with an interest in coaching whether working independently and/or within organisations, whether a coach, an aspiring coach, or just curious to find out more.

Join us on 29 March to hear from members of the UK Chapter Board about their coaching journeys. Graziella Cajado-Ogland, Amanda Dennison, and Lise Bruynoogh will share their stories of how they came to coaching, what keeps them involved with and passionate about coaching, and their key learnings along the way. There will be a safe space for you to talk about your own coaching journey in smaller groups, to connect and learn from others, whatever stage you are at.

Maximum participants: 150
Type of coaching:
Best coaching practice
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 1

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