20 May 22
Event Time
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Free Event

Community Event: The Art of Observation

Observation and reflection are superpowers in coaching. When a coach practices the skills of observation and reflection, it builds presence, trust, and awareness in ways not possible with the most powerful questions.

It sounds simple, yet experience shows that incorporating observation and reflection proves to be difficult for many coaches. Perhaps it feels too simple to be powerful or too easy to feel valuable. Practicing the art of noticing what is happening for the client, ourselves, the relationship and the field creates clarity for our clients to help them see a different way forward. We will explore:
– The value of noticing and reflecting on multiple levels
– The myths of noticing and reflecting as part of the coaching conversation
– How to use observation to stay out of problem solving and allow the client to look deeper into what is going on beneath the surface.
– How the art of noticing a client to uncover unconscious stories which work behind the scenes to guide decisions.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Participants will understand how careful observation and reflection offers a way to ask about the current state of a client’s feeling, thinking, values and behavior. Participants will explore ways to expand the client’s current thinking by clarifying their ideas through noticing what is current and creating space for clarity; participants will practice sharing observations, intuition, comments and feeling with an invitation to the client to explore them more deeply.

Register here: https://www.icfwashingtonstate.com/event-4784509
Maximum participants: 200
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 0
Number of events : 97
Number of languages : 8