15 Apr 24
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Coaching science
Free Event

Don’t Believe to Your Client

“Don’t Believe the Client”

What?! Why would any self-respecting coach take this piece of advice?

That is exactly what Carol Keith, Master Certified Coach and Coach Trainer for Marion Franklin’s “The HeArt of Laser-Focused Coaching” team does week after week.

All of us present with a story – it’s a description of how we see the events that we are bringing to a coaching session. A big step toward more masterful coaching is for coaches to learn to see “the thing beneath the thing” that our clients are bringing to us. We will learn some skills to actively listen and then continually move to evoke awareness for our clients with each question and observation.

This interactive session will focus on practical tips and practicing the skills of ICF Competencies 6 (Listens Actively) and 7 (Evokes Awareness) through the use of noticing and direct communication.

If you already have a copy of The HeArt of Laser-Focused Coaching please re-read Chapters 6 and 12 to brush up your skills.

Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 78
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0.75    RD : 0.75
Number of events : 73
Number of languages : 5