ICF Global member Price : $45 – $50 USD
Non member Price : $45 - $50 USD
February C³ Chapter Event – The Art of Enrollment Through Storytelling: Learn How to Craft Your Perfect Pitch
Join us for an interactive evening where our focus will be on how to connect with clients through storytelling effectively. Come to network, connect, learn, and have some fun. There will be light bites, non-alcoholic beverages, and great conversation.
Stories sell. Details don’t. A key to a successful enrollment call is to become a skilled storyteller. After Gretchen’s presentation, you will leave with your own story that you can use to be more successful with your connection calls. Come learn from a former publicist Master Coach, Gretchen Hydo, as she guides you through the four successful elements of a good story, how to engage a potential client, and have the opportunity to practice your pitch in real-time.
Takeaways include:
*Learn the four key elements of an effective story
*Create a story to connect and engage with potential clients
*Get real-time feedback on your pitch
*Gain confidence in your client-building skills
CC : 1.5 RD : 1.5