02 Mar 23
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 15 min
Online Event
Event type
Professional development
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : 80 EURO
ICF Global member Price : 80 EURO
Non member Price : 125 EURO

How to seek systemic patterns into the coach-client dynamic as per the teachings of the great avatars: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna

As the unfolding of the session occurs, participants will discover how to partner with the client to allow one to extract and choose their meaning, how to distinguish systemic patterns, how to invite the transcendence of those patterns that may be limiting and have the consequence suffering and how to cultivate the patterns that liberate and nourish Life.

Event schedule or other information/comments
The recordings will be available until June 2023.
Note! The price includes the access to all workshops from Day 2 (2nd of March) of Future of Organizations Conference
Maximum participants: 999
Type of coaching:
ICF core competencies & coaching skills
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1    RD : 0.25
Number of events : 113
Number of languages : 11