21 May 24
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2 hours
Online Event
Event type
Coaching ethics
Free Event

ICF Core Competencies in Action: Competency 3: Establishes and Maintains Agreements

All ICF Core Competencies are important and significant and play their part in the creation of an effective coaching conversation & coaching relationship. However, Comp 3: Establishes and Maintains Agreements strongly underpins that efficacy as, without it, the coaching work & the relationship can falter in several ways.

Not only is this competency closely linked to ethical and professional practice, it is also a very rich opportunity to evoke insight & clarity for the client as part of laying the foundations for the work itself.

In coaching, we often say that coaching agreements are not something we need to do to get to the work, the process of establishing and maintaining those agreements is the work!
In this interactive and reflective session, we will be taking a deep dive into the purpose & nuance of this competency, & we will bring the words on the page to life by exploring and discovering together how we can thoroughly understand and honour the work of our clients

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As part of our session, we will cover:
(1) The purpose and significance of this competency

(2) Explore and understand the 3 basic Levels of Agreement
o Agreement for Coaching Relationship
o Agreement for overall coaching plan and goals
o Agreement for session goals and objectives

(3) Discuss the 4th Level of Agreement - psychological contract and psychological distance.

(4) Discuss and discover the significance of the title, definition, and sub-competencies in practical ways.

(5) Understand the importance of tripartite agreements and how to approach them.

(6) Discover how this competency provides a thread that runs through the whole piece of work and the coaching engage.
Maximum participants: 150
Type of coaching:
ICF core competencies & coaching skills
Remaining: 148
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1.5    RD : 0.5
Number of events : 187
Number of languages : 14