08 Jun 23
Event Time
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Internal coaching
Free Event

ICF Internal Coaching Community of Practice – Embodied Healing-Centered Practices

Join the Career Coaching Community of Practice and Latise Hairston, PCC, on June 8, 2023, from 12 noon – 1:30 p.m. EST (New York) for a session on Embodied Healing-Centered Practices. We are each born into a specific set of social identities predisposing us to unequal roles in a dynamic system of oppression. As we grow, we continue to be socialized by powerful inequitable social systems, including within the organizations we lead, work, and interact with. In this workshop, we invite you to explore your socialization as it relates to your identities and engage in healing-centered somatic practices that help us heal and move toward collective liberation. Will you join us in this healing journey?

*This session has been tentatively approved for 0.5 CCE Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units in Core Competencies and 1 CCE unit in Resource Development.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Please log onto the course the day of the session to attend.
Maximum participants: 500
Type of coaching:
Internal coaching
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0.5    RD : 1
Number of events : 97
Number of languages : 8