13 May 24
Event Time
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1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Health & wellness coaching
Free Event

Primary Food

Explore the impactful roles of primary and secondary foods in our lives. This webinar will unveil how these elements holistically affect our well-being and how you can harness their power to achieve your health and wellness goals. You’ll learn:

1) Holistic Nourishment: Understanding the balance between primary (emotional and spiritual well-being) and secondary (physical nourishment) foods.
2) Lifestyle Management: Strategies to integrate and balance both types of nourishment to support a healthier, more aligned life.
3) Goal Achievement: Practical tips to fill the gaps in your diet and lifestyle to reach desired health outcomes.

Maximum participants: 50
Type of coaching:
Health & wellness coaching
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 1
Number of events : 119
Number of languages : 10