Professional coach – from competences to accreditation
Every professional coach is committed to continuous development, and the foundation of development is the coach’s competencies.
Being a good professional coach means pulling out the right tools and the right approach at every moment to enable the client to make the best progress.
The path of a professional coach is based on continuous development and consolidation of skills.
We invite you to a webinar where we will talk about the individual accreditations offered by ICF.
We will answer your questions:
– What is my path to individual accreditation if I have completed an accredited programme?
– What is my path to accreditation if I have completed courses that are not accredited by ICF?
– What skills are tested in the exam required for individual accreditation?
The webinar will take place on 20.9.2023 from 18:00 to 19:30.
Welcome to join us.
ICF core competencies & coaching skills
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