14 Mar 23
Event Time
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1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Diversity & Inclusion
Free Event

Respecting Diversity and Creating Inclusion when Coaching – A Virtual Workshop

ICF has a stated intent to create a diverse and inclusive coaching ecosystem for both coaches and clients. ICF Competencies require the coach to be curious about, recognize, and respect the client’s identity, values, culture, thinking, and worldview without judgment. This workshop shall explore skills and attitudes that support coaches to notice diversity, be inclusive, and engage positively with the client’s notions about the issue.
Learning Goals:
i. Skills and attitudes to notice diversity and be inclusive towards the client
ii. Good practices in engaging with clients whose notions of D&I may differ from the coach

Event schedule or other information/comments
Please register using the zoom registration link given here. After you register, you will receive your unique zoom login link for the session.
Maximum participants: 500
Type of coaching:
ICF core competencies & coaching skills
Remaining: 489
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1    RD : 0
Number of events : 113
Number of languages : 11