13 Jun 23
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Professional development
Free Event

The Conversation about the Conversation: The Role of the Psychological Contract in the co-creation

This workshop, highly relevant to both Coaches and Coach Supervisors, will explore how Coaches, in their initial conversation with their clients, can utilize cutting edge concepts from the modality of Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ) along with Enhanced Contracting Practices to “have a conversation” about all that will guide their work together. Participants will learn about the dangers of “assuming shared meaning” while having the opportunity to practice “making the invisible, visible.” A series of contracting questions and topics that shine a clarifying light on how to create and hold a safe, trusting and intimate coaching
space will be discussed.

“The beauty of the contract is that it is both a container and a mirror….It holds both the relationship and the work.”

Maximum participants: 50
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1.5    RD : 0
Number of events : 115
Number of languages : 12