12 Feb 25
Event Time
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1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Coaching ethics
Free Event
The Integration of AI in the Business of Coaching
What are the practice and ethical considerations we need to be aware of? What have we thought of already and what maybe needs more thought? What is our relationship to AI? How will it enhance the coaching experience for us and the client? Where are we already using AI and don’t necessarily know it?
Event schedule or other information/comments
This is the last of three sessions on January 15th, January 29th, and February 12th. Maximum participants: 50
Type of coaching:
Best coaching practice
Best coaching practice
Remaining: 35
CCE UNITS by type:
CC : 0.25 RD : 0.75
CC : 0.25 RD : 0.75
Other events from the same organiser
Number of events : 93
Number of languages : 8