15 Mar 23
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Professional development
Free Event

The Power of Emotions-Centered Coaching

A learning session designed to equip coaches on the fundamental levels of emotional literacy and how to use it to deliver better results during a coaching conversation featuring Daniel Newby, PCC, co-founder of School of Emotions and author of books on emotional literacy and its positive impact on people’s lives.

Event schedule or other information/comments
A live coaching demo will be provided by Daniel Newby to demonstrate how emotions-centered coaching works and how to use it in our coaching conversations.
Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
ICF core competencies & coaching skills
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1    RD : 0.5
Number of events : 113
Number of languages : 11