09 May 23
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 30 min
On site event
KMT house 73 Street 15, Maadi as Sarayat Al Gharbeyah, Maadi, Cairo Governorate 11728
Event type
Personal growth
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : 100 EGP
ICF Global member Price : 100 EGP
Non member Price : 150 EGP

The Psychology of Winning : Shifting Mindsets for Success

Studies of the world’s top leaders show that the most critical factor that impacts a person’s sense of worth, success, happiness and peace of mind is their perspective and mindset in how they live, love, parent and lead. A thought and heart provoking discussion as we challenge our perspectives, transform our mindsets and learn habits to help us cultivate the sense of purpose, positivity, determination and resilience of winners !

Event schedule or other information/comments
When you pay for this event you are eligible to attend the next event at the same day
Maximum participants: 35
Type of coaching:
Transition coaching
Remaining: 0
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1.5    RD : 0
Number of events : 97
Number of languages : 8