26 Apr 22
Event Time
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Coaching ethics
Free Event

Translating ICF Ethics into Real-World Experience

The class is taught by Marianna Lead, MCC, the first ICF Assessor/Examiner in the Russian language as well as serving as an ICF Assessor in the English language since 2008. Founder of the Goal Imagery Institute, the world’s leading coach training school with alumni from all over the world, Marianna has 20 years of coaching experience (New York, USA), has been a two-time ICF-NYC Chapter Elected President, and has taught numerous coaching courses at New York University.

04/26/2022 at 20:00 (Almaty)
Drawing on her rich experience, Marianna will share how to respond diplomatically to the unethical demands that organizations sometimes make—without destroying the relationships and, at the same time, relying on ICF ethics. At this interactive meeting, we will also open up the opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts with colleagues.

Event schedule or other information/comments
The event takes place as part of the series of events "Inspiring Steps to the Masterу," where masters and coaching stars will share their secrets and author's approaches to the development of ICF competencies and professional coaching skills.
Maximum participants: 200
Type of coaching:
ICF core competencies & coaching skills
Remaining: 181
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1.5    RD : 0
Number of events : 97
Number of languages : 8