13 Feb 25
Event Time
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1 hour
30 min
Online Event
Event type
Panel discussion
Coaching in organisations
Free Event
Who needs Assessments: Coach or the Coachee?
Join experienced coaches as they explore the role of tools like HBDI, MBTI, Gallup, and Hogan in enhancing coaching engagements. Some themes for discussion:
1. Why, when, which of assessment/s in a coaching engagement
2. Relationship between Assessment expertise of the coach and their coaching competencies with special focus on ‘Maintains Presence’, ‘Listens Actively’ and ‘Evokes Awareness’
3. Do Assessments help or hinder a coach ‘Embody a Coaching Mindset’
Maximum participants: 40
Type of coaching:
Best coaching practice
Best coaching practice
Remaining: 20
CCE UNITS by type:
CC : 0.75 RD : 0.75
CC : 0.75 RD : 0.75
Number of events : 93
Number of languages : 8