04 Oct 22
- 15 Nov 22
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
$325.00 USD

An Introduction to Deep Coaching: Experience Our Enneagram-Based Approach to Coaching for Transformational Change

Curious about Deep Coaching?

Join DCI Faculty for a virtual interactive course and learn how to coach by accessing the clients’ embodied intelligence. Learning will take place through exercises, recorded interviews of DCI-trained coaches talking about the coaching implications of their Enneatype, practice, dialogue and demonstrations. You will:

1. Be introduced to the Enneagram as a means of understanding human nature and for deepening your coaching practice
2. Discover personal gifts and challenges relative to your coaching skills
3. Develop compassion and appreciation for client’s and coach’s individual processes and perceptions
Identify one or two specific actions that will enhance your professional practice
4. Learn to coach using full embodied intelligence

This course is designed for people experienced in the growth professions including: executive coaches, life coaches, organizational consultants, therapists and spiritual directors.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Each session is 120 minutes and is recorded. Approved for 12 ICF CCE Units
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 10    RD : 2
Number of events : 59
Number of languages : 2