15 Jul 24
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Education Program
Pricing Information
$2,497 USD

Become a Certified PBT® (Post Betrayal Transformation) Coach

Dr. Debi Silber conducted a PhD study that made 3 groundbreaking discoveries on the topic of betrayal:

1. Betrayal is a different type of crisis that requires a different way to heal
2. There are 5 proven and predictable Stages we’ll go through if we fully heal (physically, mentally, emotionally) from betrayal
3. There’s a collection of symptoms so common to betrayal it’s known as Post Betrayal Syndrome

This certification teaches you how to move someone through the 5 proven, predictable and research based Stages bringing them from betrayal to breakthrough.

It’s about:
Working with people who are currently going through what you may have gone through and healed from
Helping to turn someone’s pain into purpose again
Becoming part of an enormous yet underserved population
Positioning yourself within a community of people who need, value and appreciate your unique expertise
Being an important part of a movement to help people heal from the pain of betrayal…once and for all

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Dr. Debi Silber, Founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute https://thepbtinstitute.com and National Forgiveness Day (celebrated annually on September 1st), is an award winning speaker, and a 2-time #1 International bestselling author. Her podcast: From Betrayal to Breakthrough is also globally ranked within the top 1.5% of podcasts.

Her recent PhD study on how we experience betrayal made 3 groundbreaking discoveries that changes how long it takes to heal. In addition to being on FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz Show, TEDx (twice) and more, Dr. Debi offers the research based, proven and predictable PBT Coach/Practitioner certification so that Coaches and Practitioners can help their clients with deeper transformations often blocked by unhealed trauma. Certified Coaches are also eligible to be a part of The PBT Institute's newest initiative; PBT Corporate.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 4    RD : 4
Number of events : 69
Number of languages : 1