- 17 Mar 22
Coaching Workplace Anxiety
In the workplace, which is increasingly 24/7 access due to social media and technology, anxiety is on the rise. Because of connectivity, it can be harder to escape these pressures without a clear-cut path being set.
As coaches we work with a wide variety of people in a vast realm of work place circumstances. Using the core competencies as your framework to help your clients with finding ways to disconnect and recharge so they can better arm themselves against workplace anxiety is a great skillset to have in your coaching toolbox.
Identifying the triggers of anxiety and finding a stopper together that they can call upon when needed takes time, repetition and commitment. Breaking any habit can be difficult for a client but setting a roadmap for success and accountability will lead to coaching success.
Each class module builds upon the previous one and requires each participant to coach and be coached and discuss their individual experiences with current and past coaching clients and scenarios.
Session 1: Anxiety and Stress by Definition
Session 2: Wants, Needs and Taking Control
Session 3: Creating Awareness and Positive Habits
Impact your coaching skills in alignment with the ICF Core Competencies:
1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice
2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset
3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements
4. Cultivates Trust and Safety
5. Maintains Presence
6. Listens Actively
7. Evokes Awareness
8. Facilitates Client Growth
Additional Dates:
September 13-15, 2022, 8-10 AM EST
CC : 6 RD : 0